Social media is a major platform for businesses to thrive in the digital age. It connects people from all over the world thereby making it a lot easier for businesses to reach audiences beyond their locality. Even with this advantage, it can be really overwhelming
The past decade has seen a rapid increase in the use of social media as it is now regarded as "beneficial" / "essential" for business growth. Just like traditional advertising, the growth of businesses on social media is hinged on Public Relations. In many ways,
It feels like just yesterday we were an upcoming PR brand consisting of five individuals on a Whatsapp group, and today we are an agency that has worked with more than thirty brands, businesses and celebrities. It’s true what they say that time flies when
A Public relations personnel is an individual who is excellently skilled at managing the reputation of a brand and creating campaign projects to boost the brand’s image. They improve brand visibility and connection with the target audience by writing press releases and blog posts, communicating
In our digital world, it has become increasingly difficult to build a brand without the use of social media. Brands can harness social media platforms to build visibility, connect and engage with their target audience as well as market their products and services. However, managing
Social media is a digital marketing tool that has been used to enhance business growth over the past few decades. Most businesses take advantage of it to connect to their target audience, increase awareness and make massive profits from their products and services. In summary,
Now and then, brands become victims of negative PR even when they try to avoid it. To worsen the situation, bad news flies fast in this digital age, and so, it's crucial to quickly and effectively handle these incidences. Negative PR affects the public's view
Imagine waking up to negative viral news about your company. It could be a burdensome situation to handle. Once in a while, companies can get into a crisis, whether it's a lawsuit, a defective product, or even a core staff member divulging sensitive company information.
What goes through your mind on Sunday night as you await the inevitable end of your long-awaited weekend? For most people, there's an anxiety that comes with a new week and it leaves them demotivated throughout the week. However, not everyone experiences the Sunday blues,
Whether you like it or not, bloggers and Influencers are here to stay. Here’s why🙂: Influencers: Influencers have a major role to play in promoting brands, these Influencers are people who have built a reputation for their knowledge and expertise in their various niche. They’ve